From Easter Sunday we welcome you back in the pews again for worship and fellowship.
As of April 5 we may gather 50 % of capacity, with mask, distance and caution. So, no need to sing up or reserve your seat, - just come and worship !
From Easter Sunday we welcome you back in the pews again for worship and fellowship.
As of April 5 we may gather 50 % of capacity, with mask, distance and caution. So, no need to sing up or reserve your seat, - just come and worship !
The Danish Church invites you to attend in-person services from Easter Sunday. We will observe restrictions as 25 % of capacity, mask, distance and reservations. So please reserve your seat if you want to attend in person. We would love to welcome you back in the pews!
The Church council elected their officers:
President John Nielsen
Vice President Gitte Olsen
Secretary Lydia Plunk
Treasurer Anna-Lisa Knudsen
Members: Kent Hanson, Arne Madsen, Amy Solares, Mike Karapetian, Lilian Lykke and Vivian Steindal.
We are ceasing to offer in-person services. We very cautiously reopened two weeks ago and have had a very limited attendance in the pews with mask and distance.
With the new State Mandate we will continue to offer Virtual Worship Sundays at 11 am via Facebook.
“As long as the virus threatens to overwhelm our health care system, we need to do all we can to slow its spread so that the sick may obtain life-saving treatment. By doing this, we hare showing love not only to those who worship with us, but also to our neighbors who serve as doctors, nurses and other health care workers.” Bishop Taylor
Re-opening for in-person Services. July 5 at 11 am
Dear Congregation and friends of the Danish Lutheran Church.
The Danish Lutheran church will re-open for in-person worship services on July 5 at 11 am. We will continue to offer our Sunday Morning Service as Facebook Live Services, and it is our hope to combine our Virtual and In-person Services. So, whether you are in church or in your own home, we will worship together as one congregation.
Our Church council and pastor have reached this decision, while carefully weighing both our deep desire to gather and the importance of caring for and protecting our neighbors in a time of serious health challenges and crisis. We are deeply committed to the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of our congregation, musical staff, pastor, and our community at large.
Accordingly, we will continue to offer our Facebook Live Services, and we strongly recommend and encourage those of you, who are in the high-risk categories to continue to worship at home. (+65, immune compromised, diabetic, heart conditions, lung conditions, exposed to COVID19 or exhibiting COVID19 symptoms.) The decision to attend an in-person service is a personal one, and we encourage you to make this decision based on your own circumstances and health conditions and in careful consideration of the wellbeing of your fellow congregants and friends.
Our in-person services will be different: required reservations, 6 feet distance, assigned seating, mask and no coffee/lunch.
It is different and changeling times, we live in. As our first and foremost priority is to protect the health of our congregants, community, families, friends, staff and pastor, the church council has outlined and implemented a Reopening Prevention Plan that take into account all of the health and safety guidelines and mandates from CDC, our State Government and guidance from the Pacifica Synod of ELCA.
On June 28, we will have a Safety Test Service with only ushers, invited volunteers, and council members in attendance. We need to train all SAFETY USHERS before we open. If you will be worshipping with us via Facebook Live Stream on June 28, we will be able to show you exactly, how the layout will be with distance, masks, and safety.
SUNDAY IN-PERSON WORSHIP. What will it be like and how do we prepare?
To follow local, state, and federal safety guidelines, worship services will need to look vastly different. We will be able to be together, but it will not be worship as usual for some period. As you read this, please keep in mind we will have a group of SAFETY USHERS, who are instructed in how to guide you from arrival, to seating and to your exit. Everything that follows is for your safety and health and the safety and health of others.
Everyone at church and on the parking lot, must wear a face mask or face covering and keep 6-feet distance.
· The sanctuary/restroom/hallway will be cleaned/sanitized on Thursdays by our Professional Cleaning Crew and the areas will be closed off until Sunday.
· The sanctuary/restroom/hallway/parking lot will have signage to guide you.
· Every other parking spot will be left vacant to ensure distance.
· All hymnals have been removed from pews.
· The sanctuary will be cooled down by AC before opening, but during the service no AC will be running. We will secure fresh airflow with open doors.
· To attend worship in-person, you will need to make a reservation. Either by email or calling Lilian Lykke at 714-504-1186. The reservations must be made by Friday noon. We have 25% of seating capacity open with social distancing – max. 40 people.
· This is essential to ensure two things:
1. That we do not exceed our capacity
2. That we have contract information for everyone who attends services, so that we can track and trace if need. (this is a mandated CDC requirement)
· Upon arrival for worship, you will park and you will be met by our SAFETY USHERS at the entrance at the Runestone, in order to check in, to be asked safety questions about your health or changes in your health, to check you Temperature and eventually guide you to your assigned seat(s). Please remember to keep distance and refrain from any handshakes or hugs.
· Hand Sanitizers and extra masks will be available at the entrance.
· While families and couple can sit together (which will be ensured at reservation), everyone else will need to be seated 6 feet apart.
· You will be discouraged from engaging in any extended gatherings before or after the worship service.
· You will be guided to you assigned seat and are to remain there during the entire service. At your seat you will find a disposable bulletin, a water bottle and a prepared communion cup with juice and wafer.
· There will be hymns sung by cantor, music played by pianist, prayers by ushers and readings, sermon, and blessings by pastor. However, no congregational singing, recitation of creeds or praying out loud together.
· We will not pass offering plates. Online/mail-in giving is encouraged or place your offering envelope in the designated box at exit.
· When the service is over, the SAFETY USHERS will guide you as you leave while observing distance.
· For our first re-gatherings there will be no coffee.
· A detailed cleaning and sanitizing regimen will take place on all contract surfaces following each service.
· No other groups are allowed in church for now.
Wednesday July 8 and Wednesday July 22 at 2 pm.
We invite you to coffee hour on the patio/or tents with distance and masks.
· Please reserve you seat by phone 714 993 6362 or by email:
· All the same restrictions apply to these gatherings.
· Troop 733 have resumed their in-person meeting on Tuesday June 23 at Hurless Park, Yorba Linda. They will assume meeting in tents on the parking lot at church in July. They are following all the restrictions laid out by their local charter organization: our church.
· New Life Ministry. Pastor Emilio and his small congregation will meet Saturday July 11 on the patio following all the restrictions laid out by the Danish Lutheran Church.
· Language Class will meet on patio once in July. Soren Finsen will contact his students. Class will follow all restrictions laid out by the Danish Lutheran Church.
© 2020 The Danish Church and Cultural Center. All rights reserved.