The Danish Lutheran Church & Cultural Center is not affiliated with, nor do we receive any financial support from the State of Denmark, the Danish National Church (Folkekirken) or the organization Danish Churches Abroad (DSUK). Your generous donations are the livelihood of The Danish Lutheran Church & Cultural Center. We can only exist and do what we do with your financial support!
Thank you!
Financially we are self-funded and rely entirely on the generous donations and support from members and friends to cover operating expenses (salaries, utilities, outreach, events, etc.) and to maintain our grounds and facilities in good conditions so they are safe and secure for all members, visitors and guests. We encourage you to support us financially as you best can, either on a regular basis or annually as part of your philanthropic donations. Our church and cultural center is a federally recognized non-profit 503(c)(3) religious organization and your donations are tax deductible.
Donations, Pledges, Gifts and Wishes Fulfilled
- The Danish Church and Cultural Center have received monetary gifts and gifts-in-kind that substantially improve the grounds and facilities as well as allow us to expand our programs, events and ability to meet the many, varied needs of the far-flung congregation. Below is a partial list of the many items and improvements we have been able to undertake through pledges and unsolicited gifts:
- Wood floor in the Knudsen Hall refinished
- New carpet in the library
- New round banquet tables
- New table trucks for round and rectangular tables
- New coffeepots (12, 36 and 100 cup capacity)
- New hot water boiler
- Professional cleaning of curtains along patio wall
- New “Stars & Stripes” flag for altar area in church
- Additional velvet table coverings
- New Danish language hymnals, choral books and altar books [Mærsk Fonden, DK and G.E.C. Gads Fond, DK]
- New Danish language books for library (in process) [Konsul Jorck Fond, DK]
- Funds towards purchase of new chalice [Jubilæumsfonden, DK]
- Electrical hook-up to illuminate flags at driveway entry and sign at street
- Front entry doors refinished
- Two moveable lecterns (church & cultural center)
- Two moveable cabinets for storage in stage area
- New dolly for grand piano in Knudsen Hall
- Cleaning of carpets in sanctuary
- Additional table cloths and chair covers