Funerals and Memorials
There is no charge for a funeral or memorial service held on site conducted by pastor. Fees are applicable for the organist and soloist if re-quested.
Coffee and pastries can be are offered in the Knudsen Hall or on the patio following the service. Arrangements can be made by the family for additional refreshments and full-scale catered luncheons at extra cost.
For more information, please contact Pastor Anne-Grethe.
Service - Begravelse
When we lose a loved one, we need a time and a place to mourn, to pray and to celebrate the life of the person we have lost. The Danish Lutheran Church is a beautiful place to find comfort and solace in such a time.
When a person dies the ones left behind are to contact a mortuary that will take care of the practical and legal issues of a funeral. They will also have to decide whether the deceased is to be buried or cremated, where it will take place, and if a pastor is to be present at the funeral. For funerals and memorial services the church service is free of cost, but the church appreciates donations.
Should you or your loved one wish to be laid to rest in Denmark, please contact the Danish Consulate office in Los Angeles.
If relatives wish the funeral or the memorial service to take place in the Danish Lutheran Church, then they may contact the pastor.