Together is a wonderful place to be.

In the beautiful decorated hall you will find 6 wonderful paintings on the wall, made by Danish artist Hanne Stovring. They all have a title which brings even more depth to the paintings and possible new associations to the viewer.

You will have the opportunity to watch and study and enjoy the painting later during dinner – but for now I will share with you the 6 sayings that accompany the paintings and thus 6 sayings that could paint our Advent Season in the right colors and emotions.

#.1...with changing seasons comes new beginnings…

This is the season of Advent and it is the time of preparation and expectation and joy. And we are blessed to have these changing seasons & times during the year: times and season that are made to make us stop, take a deep breath and look for new beginnings, new ways, new possibilities, new blessings.

So: take a deep breath and let us begin the Season of Advent!

#2. … by the light of the night – they day becomes…

We are in the darkest of times during our year. The shortest days and the shortest shine of the sun. And thus, we look for light. And in this time of Advent, we gather around our Advent Wreath to count down, to wait and to light more candles. And we do believe that the strength of light will always overcome the despair and the destruction of darkness.

So: look at the lights of Advent!

#3 … Seek the light and find a way…

We do look for the light: we cherish every Sunrise or the last rays at Sunset, - we are dazzled and even bewitched when we look into a bonfire,-  we are cozying up when we light our Danish Candles for any occasion or just for hygge, - we look for the light when we in awe look at the starry starry night, - we look for the symbol of light on our IPhone to be sure that we are indeed still alive!

Always look for the light and there you will find love.

So: did you find your way?

# 4.. what you want is out there – go for it…

All I want for Christmas is new front teeth! Maybe we do not always get exactly what we wish for and sometimes we have to be careful what we wish for as we might get it!

But this is the season of dreaming and hoping and wishing. To dream big, to hope brave and to wish bold. Big, brave and bold. If we embrace our time and our lives bravely and boldly and with big dreams, that attitude will reflect on our living , - we might not get everything we want out there, but we might find happiness and gratitude in the procession of looking.

So: did you find what you were looking for ?

# 5.… life takes you to unexpected places – love brings you home…

Life does take us to unexpected places. Life does bring us to crossings, u-turns, and dead ends. Life does take unexpected turn on us and show us unexpected places too. But when we look back, when we reflect on our unexpected ways and paths, we often do realized that it was love that brought us home or made it home.

So: Just think for a moment why you are here: sitting in the Danish Lutheran church in California and not in Denmark, in Germany, in Australia or even Norway!


# 6… together is a wonderful place to be…

This is the final quote and the best: together is a wonderful place to be! As the Danish poet, Benny Andersen is saying is a lovely love poem to his wife:

Hjem, hvor er hjemme, hjem,  hjemme, hjemmere, hjemmest,

Du smiler til mig som kun du kan smile paa en gang aabent og hemmelighedsfuldt, hjemme er hvor du er


Home, where is home ... home homier, homiest, you smile to me as only you can smile at the same time open and yet mysterious, home is where you are….

Tonight we are here together – and isn’t it a wonderful place to be?

The images and emotions of Advent and Christmas are many –  and remember to cherish the seasons, look for the light, find your way, let love bring your home and remember that together is the best place to be! AMEN