" Why I so much prefer autumn to spring is that in autumn one looks at the haven, in spring at the earth." ( Soren Kierkegaard) We see the drifting clouds of all, and we let our thoughts drift too. Harvest time is the time of thoughts, reflections and gratitude.......
Why is forgiveness so hard? Some of us tonight may be struggeling with the idea of forgiving someone who has hurt us deeply. Some of us may carry wounds that are decades old.....
Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them ...... When we come to church on a Sunday like this, when we find our pews, when we open our hymnals, when we listen.... we are not in doubt that we are indeed in church.....
Wise words from a German Reformer and a Danish Queen about Holy Communion, bread and wine, body and blood...... ... " I truly appreciate Holy Communion. It is not just a small piece of bread and some wine and a symbol. It is something......."
Which is better: sitting in the bar thinking about the church, or sitting in the church thinking about the bar ? ....................... Once upon a time there was a man who had a parrot.......