Welcome to the Danish Church & Cultural Center 2025.

Please come and worship with us in our beautiful church!

We meet in person in our sanctuary, and we offer our services as live-streamed Service at 11 am on Facebook or via this Website. Either way we welcome you to worship with us.

If you want to visit the church and cultural center, please contact pastor Anne-Grethe to set up a time.

Usually open on Tuesdays 9 am - 4 pm & Thursday 4 - 6 pm

Pastor Anne-Grethe: info@danishchurchsocal.com

or call 714 993 6362


Weekly use of the Church & Cultural Center:

Mondays AA Monday Meetings at 6:30

Tuesdays Tropp 733 at 7 pm

Wednesdays Danish Language Classes

Thursday Troop Board mtg/ Thursday Thoughts/Council Mtg.

& Sons of Norway Mtg.

Saturdays ThreeInOne - Chinese Worship 9 am - noon

Sundays Services, Lunches, Dinners, Classes etc.

featured events


2/27 Thursday Thoughts & Food


3/2 Sunday Service and Lunch

3/9 Sunday Service 11 and

Danish Service & Eve at 3 pm

3/16 Sunday Service & Conversations

3/23 Sunday Service & Strikkeklub

3/30 Family Project Sunday:

Walk in the Park & Picnic

No service in church.


Vi Taler Dansk!

Er du i Californien som studerende, au-pair, turist eller bare nysgerrig er du meget velkommen til at kigge forbi.

The Emanuel Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church, fondly called the Danish Church, is a Protestant, Christian church and community based on the tenets of Martin Luther and other reformers, infused with the spirit and the teachings of N.F.S. Grundtvig, proud of its Danish heritage and continuing its rich church and cultural tradition.

Our church is open, welcoming and accepting. We invite you to worship with us, enjoy our fellowship, partake in our many activities and events and hope you might consider becoming part of our church family. The congregation was founded in 1906 by a handful of Danes living in Los Angeles. The church has never received financial support from Denmark nor is it part of the National Church of Denmark (Folkekirken) although our liturgy, services and ceremonies closely mirror those practiced in Danish churches.

Our church is part of ELCA Pacifica Synod, recognized as an ethnic congregation.

What We Believe

God’s love extends to all people. We are all part of God’s creation - we are all created in the image of God. God’s love cannot be earned; nor is God’s love a reward for who we are, what we do or do not do. God offers love and forgiveness to all people through his son, Jesus Christ. God’s grace is beyond human comprehension. God is a Triune God. God created and loves all creation. Jesus Christ transforms lives through his life, teaching and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit works in the world. 

Visit us on Facebook

visit us in person


Human first, then Christian.
— N.F.S. Grundtvig